Biology, Vol 3, No 1 (2010)

A checklist of the protozoan and metazoan parasites of ruff (Gymnocephalus cernuus)

Alexander Е Zhokhov


The present paper summarizes data on parasites of ruff from all its area, based on published reviewed journals, scientific reports, conference contributions, PhD theses. The checklist includes all protozoan and metazoan parasites of the ruff from freshwater and brackish habitats. Parasites are arranged according to class and listed alphabetically. A total of 211 parasite species ⁄ taxa were recorded on ruff (4 Kinetoplastomonada, 2 Coccidiomorpha, 4 Microsporidea, 18 Myxosporidia, 32 Ciliophora, 14 Monogenea, 21 Cestoda, 53 Digenea, 30 Nematoda, 12 Acanthocephala, 3 Hirudinea, 6 Mollusca, 7 Copepoda, 3 Branchiura and 1 Acariformes). Most are digenean trematodes, 33 of them being metacercariae. Second largest group are Nematoda, with 18 species in larval stages.