Pollen quality of Pinus sibirica Du Tour (Pinaceae) mountain populations in arid and humid regions of Altai
The size and viability of pollen mountain populations (more than 2000 m above sea level) of Siberian stone pine in the Altai region with different climate humidity have been analyzed. Trees growing in a relatively humid area (mountain Kolyushta, North-Eastern Altai, rainfall 860 mm/year) produced pollen with a minimal size of the pollen grain body (width, length and height) and maximal size of the pollen sacs (length and width). By contrast, trees growing in a pronounced arid climate of South-Chui ridge (Central Altai, rainfall 114 mm/year), had significantly higher values of body size of pollen grains with a minimum size of the pollen sacs. Population of Sarlyk mountain (Central Altai, rainfall 380 mm/year) existing in a moderate deficit of precipitation, characterized by average values of body size of pollen grains and pollen sacs. Pollen viability, which is evaluated by the percentage of germinated, ungerminated and defective pollen, and by the length of pollen tubes were not significantly different in populations from different regions. The assumption of the adaptive significance of body size and pollen sacs ratio was made. In humid climate where rainfall restrict the possibility of transferring pollen, a great role of the pollen sacs and their size can determine the success of pollination. In dry climate pollen flight is not limited by precipitation, but dry air contributes to the rapid drying and loss of germination of long flying pollen. Therefore pollen with a larger body having a greater content of energy substances and has the reproductive advantage.