Seed germination and ontogenesis initial stages of Tripogon chinensis (Franch.) Hack. (Poaceae)
The paper presents the results of research adaptation,s mechanisms of Tripogon chinensis (Franch.) Hack. to the environmental conditions. It is a relict cereal which has a special growing conditions – petrophyte parts of the slopes, where it is under the influence of extreme environmental factors (temperature fluctuations, lack of water, insolation, etc.). The population of these cereal is supported by seed reproduction. In such conditions for germination and further growth of the plant must effectively use the available moisture and the seed storage substances. Seed storage proteins have a special role because it is used as source of amino acids, which are used for the synthesis of necessary plant proteins. As a result of the determination of the fractional composition of the seed storage proteins of T. chinensis established the high content of osmotically active proteins - albumins and globulins (45 % of the total weight of reserve proteins), which provide germination under conditions of lack of water. The studies showed that seeds of T. chinensis during the germination activity use prolamins (their concentration decreases during germination in 4 times). T. chinensis was not fitted to excess moisture: in these conditions the germination is delayed. Thus, morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of this cereal characterize it as a species with xerophytic nature, formed under the influence of complex environmental factors of Eastern Transbaikalia.