Flora and Vegetation of the Aleksandrovskiy nature reserve (Tyumen region, Viculovо district)
The Aleksandrovskiy nature reserve is 95830,2 ha in a sub-area of sub-taiga of the western part of Vikulovo district, Tyumen. Floral surveys of the nature reserve are insufficient because of the vast of the territory are wetlands without roads and impenetrable. The main objective of the study is to get latest data of the current state of forest, flora and vegetation, the presence of plants and plant complexes that are requiring protection.
In this survey there were described main types of phytocenosis of the Aleksandrovskiy nature reserve that are including small-leaved, softwood, broadleaved forests, willow coppice, cereal mixed-grass meadows, including halophyte complexes on solonetzic soils, sedge-reed floodplain meadows, pine-subshrub-peat moss raised bog-riam, and semi-aquatic vegetation.
Birch, aspen, aspen-birch bracken, cereal and mixed-grass meadows are dominant on the study territory. The flora diversity of the site is 410 species of vascular plants including 80 species that were first time found in Vikulovo district. There were found new sites for 12 vascular plants and 1 lichen that are in The Red data book of the Tyumen oblast, including Cypripedium calceolus L., Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. that are in Red Data Book of the Russian Federation.
Registered 14 species are relatively rare in Tyumen oblast. All found species were described with geographical coordinates of their habitats and sites where they were collected, date. Additionally, the red data book species were described with rarity status and the condition of the coenopopulations. The study data allows to define species distribution area in the territory of Transurals.