The state of silanol coverage of the mesostructured silicate material MCM-41 as a result of postsynthetic activation
Svetlana А. Kozlova, Vladimir A. Parfenov, Ludmila S. Tarasova, Sergey D. Kirik
The influence of various types of postsynthetic activations (calcination, treatment in neutral, acid and alkaline water mediums at 100°С, in hydrofluoric acid) on the state of silanol coverage of mesostructured silicated material MCM-41 surface was studied. The surface was characterized by XRD, IR-spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and nitrogen adsorption. Activation of surface resulted in increasing silanol groups concentration. There was found the limit of the silanol number for МСМ-41, beyond which the material destruction caused because of structure features. The value of critical silanol number is 3-4 OH/nm2 for water solutions at 100°С. In spite of a destruction the specific characteristics of a material (the internal surface, volume, parameter of a lattice) remain invariable. Thus, there are limits on activation of a surface. The composition of reaction solution influences the rate of material collapse, but does not influence density of silanol coverage.