Chemistry, Vol 5, No 1 (2012)

Adsorption of lead ions by nanoporous materials, prepared by brown coal alkali activation

Valentina Vladislavovna Simonova, Yuliya Vladimirovna Tamarkina, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kucherenko, Tatyana Georgoevna Shendrik


It was studied the lead ions adsorption by nanoporous materials (NPM) prepared by brown coal alkali activation varying activation temperature (100 – 800оС) and coal/alkali weight ratio up to 2 g/g. Adsorption kinetics is described by first order equation (k = 0,04 – 0,06 min-1). Isotherm of Pb2+ions adsorption (in the range of 0,001-0,1 М Pb(AcO)2 concentration) is of Ist type according to IUPAC classification and is described by Freundlich adsorption equation  АPb=7,60∙Ср0,886 (R2=0,993). Adsorbent surface covering (0,802нм) by hydrated Pb2+ cations is equal 7% for initial concentration 0.01 M. Physical adsorption, in particular interaction of cation with π-system of polyarene fragments, is  supposed to be dominating process in Pb2+ and NPM interaction.