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Levdansky, Alexander V., Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS FRC “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”Levdansky, Alexander V., ICCT SB RAS, FRC KSC SB RAS
Levdansky, Alexander, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Levdansky, Alexander Vladimirovich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Levdansky, Alexander Vladimirovich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FRC KSC SB RAS
Levdansky, Vladimir Alexandrovich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS FRC “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”
Levdansky, Vladimir Alexandrovich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, FRC "Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS"
Levdansky, Vladimir, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Levdansky, Vladimir A., ICCT SB RAS
Levdansky, Vladimir Alexandrovich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FRC KSC SB RAS
Levdansky, Vladimir Alexandrovich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS
Levdansky, Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, FRC "Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center SB RAS"
Likhatski, Maxim Nikolaevich, ICCT SB RAS
Likhatski, Maxim Nikolaevich, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology FIC KSC SB RAS
Likhatsky, Maksim N, cInstitute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS
Likholobov, Vladimir A., Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing SB RAS
Linok, Elena, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS
Lomovsky, Igor Olegovych, Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS
Lomovsky, Oleg Ivanovich, Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS
Lopatin, Vladislav А., L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS
Lopatin, Vladislav, Kirensky Institute of Physics
Loppinet-Serani, Anne, Institut de chimie de la matière condensée de Bordeaux, CNRS
Losev, Vladimir Nikolaevich, Siberian Federal University
Losev, Vladimir Nikolayevich, Siberian Federal University
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