The development combinative ore-dressing scheme of kingash ore
Natalya Algebraistova, Nadegda Perfileva, Svetlana Markova, Alexandra Razvayznaya, Ekaterina Groo, Anna Kondratieva, Andrey Macshanin
The object of research is copper-nickel ore of Kingash deposit. The ore of technological sample is represented serpentinite with fine dissemination of ore minerals. Magnetite dominates, total amount of sulfides is 3,7 %, copper and nickel sulfides content - 2,5 %, pyrrhotite - 1,5%. Optical researches indicate dominate multiple intergrowth of magnetite and sulfides. The combinative magnetic-flotation scheme is development. It allows to receive nickel concentrate, which acceptable for converter matte. The copper, nickel recovery are, %: 72,7; 26,1 severally.