Engineering & Technologies, Vol 10, No 7 (2017)

Mathematical modeling of the impact of anode bottom problems of the anode current distribution high current electrolyzer

Andrey V Zavadyak, Iliya I Puzanov, Yaroslav A Tretyakov, Mikhail M Morozov, Anton V Makeev, Artem A Pianykh


The article presents the results of mathematical modeling of thermal and electric fields in the electrolyzer RA-400 and RA-550 at different height "cones" and the location formed at the base of the anodes. Received good agreement between the calculated and experimental data. Criteria for the earliest detection "Cones" were founded.

This article was prepared using the results of work carried out in the course of the project under the contract with the Russian Ministry of Education 02.G25.31.0181 «The development of heavy-duty, energy-efficient technology for obtaining aluminum RA-550."