Engineering & Technologies, Vol 12, No 3 (2019)


Anatoly Alexandrovich Lepeshev, Alexandr Viktorovich Pavlov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Drokin


The present study is aimed at obtaining electrically conductive two-component ceramics based on BeO with the addition of micro and nanocrystalline TiO2 powder. The ceramics of the composition (BeO + TiO2) is used in radio-electronic equipment as effective absorbers of microwave radiation and in other areas of modern electronics.

The nature of the appearance of electrical conductivity and absorption of the microwave field in (BeO + TiO2) ceramics has not been completely established. The impedance spectroscopy method for the first time investigated the electrical and dielectric characteristics of this ceramics in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 100 MHz, depending on the presence of micro and nano-sized TiO2 phases in the composition of the BeO ceramics. It was established that the static resistance of ceramics with the addition of titanium oxide nanopowder is significantly reduced compared with the resistance of the original ceramics with TiO2 micropowder. It is shown that the real and imaginary components of the dielectric constant of the studied ceramics increase to abnormally large values when the frequency of the effective electric field decreases, and in the high frequency range f³ 108 Hz, the process of dielectric relaxation begins, leading to an increase in the dielectric loss tangent. The dielectric characteristics of these ceramic samples under conditions of blocking through conduction are determined.