Research of dynamics of gated-electrical processes in Simulink
Konstantin Sergeevich Fediy, Spirin Evgeny Anatolievich, Nikolay Evgenievich Poloshkov
Recent advances in the field of electrical engineering, semiconductor and converter technology, have led to the emergence of a new class of electric machines, working in a wide range of speeds, which are called gate. These machines allow you to build on the basis of their independent sources of power, to ensure the generation of high power with minimum drive unit.
A mathematical model of the mechanical synchronous generator with voltage stabilization when changing the drive shaft speed in a wide range of realizovanna in MatLab Simulink package has in its composition specialist electrical block library. The modeling process in MatLab Simulink is a construction scheme of the standard block device package and configure its individual elements.
The results valve simulation generator with voltage stabilization in the example 32 pole machine 1 kW showed good ability to generate high electric power over a wide speed range (90 to 187.5). Used intermediate converters, able to maintain the constancy of the voltage value at the variable speed providing the performance you need for stand-alone power supplies.