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Minin, Vitaliy V., Siberian Federal University
Mironkina, Nataliya, СФУ ИЦМиМ
Mironov, Vladimir Alexandrovich, Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
Mironova, Zhenni V, Siberian Federal University
Mishurov, Andrey V., Siberian Federal University
Mitin, Konstantin Valerevich, The Siberian federal university
Mitrashchuk, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
Mitrofanov, Nikolay Alexandrovich, Novosibirsk State Technical University
Mochalin, Igor V, Siberian Federal University
Moeckel, Robert, Institute of Mineralogy, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Moiseev, Sergey I, JSC «SUAL» «UAZ - SUAL»
Mokhammad, Almokhammad Alnayef, Siberian Federal University
Mokin, Andrei Yurevich, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Morenko, Anton V, RUSAL Global Management, CSC
Morozov, Egor, «Information Satellite Systems» Academician M.F. Reshetnev
Morozov, Evgeny, Kirensky Institute of physics SB RAS
Morozov, Mikhail M, «RUSAL ETC» LLC
Moshchenko, Sergey P., Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS
Moskovenko, Igor B, «ZVUK» Ltd
Moskvichev, Egor, SDTB "Nauka" ICT SB RAS
Moskvichev, Egor V, Ltd “Digital Mind Development”
Moskvichev, Egor, Ltd "Digital Mind Development"
Moskvichev, Vladimir V., Siberian Federal University
Moskvichev, Vladimir, Special design and technological bureau "Science", Institute of computational technologies SB RAS
Moskvichev, Vladimir V, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk Branch Office

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