Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 7, No 10 (2014)

"Jewish Antiquities" as Hellenistic Targum

Julia G. Matushanskaya


In this article author researches the specific of the text of ancient Jewish Historian Josephus Flavius (1 А.D.) “Jewish Antiquities” in comparison with other ancient texts such as The Bible, Midrash, Talmud, texts of Greek and Roman writers  The purpose of the work is analysis of structure of Josephus’ text with its historical-cultural context. Author has chosen culturological, philosophic and linguistic analysis of text of “Jewish Antiquities” as method of research. In results the author revealed  interrelation between method of presenting of material in this book and tradition of rabbinic commented translation (targum). However translation itself meets the rules and norms of antique historiography, which gives premise to classify “Jewish Antiquities” by Josephus as “Hellenistic targum”.