Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 8, No 7 (2015)

Unfulfilled fate of Chekhov’s tales’ characters: „Ionych”, „Literature Teacher”, „Gooseberry”, „About Love”

Aldona Borkowska



The subject of a study is an analysis of Anthony Chekhov’s selected Tales which contain a convergence of fiction. The topic of unfulfilled fate seems to be a leading theme in Chekhov’s prose of the 1890s. The characters of the analyzed texts share the author’s opinion that indifference, everyday life, narrow-mindness influence the fate not less than regular crimes or wicked deeds. In those narrations anyone should notice the development of Chekhov’s attitude to happiness which underlines the influence of the surrounding/environment on shaping  human awareness. He claims that it is impossible to gain satisfaction without opposing to shallow opinions and the devoidness of ideas which are characteristic attributes of a petty bourgeoisie, the best example of whom are the stories’ characters.