Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 8, No 11 (2015)

Changes and Challenges of Modern Society: What It Takes to Reach a Near-Native Level of Foreign Language Proficiency

Elena Borisovna Grishaeva


The article presents a controversial nature of undergoing radical changes in the sphere of teaching / learning foreign languages at the University level. Modernization of higher education in Russia requires critical understanding of efficient teaching methodology of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Historical perspective highlights language policy issues; describes efficacy and efficiency of the communicative approach in teaching / learning languages; shows multiple collisions of socio-cultural vs political issues in language education, and tackles desiderata of lifelong learning (LLL): continuing education for teachers of foreign languages. Diachronic insight into educational paradigms and description of the communicative approach via functional and contrastive methods make possible elaborating and formulating a series of principle assumptions, which are of utmost significance for the universities of the Russian Federation.