The Development of Tuvan Literature During the Soviet Period (1960-80-ies.)
This article examines the history of Tuvan literature in the Soviet era, namely 1960-80-ies of XX century, when it has received intensive development within the creative dialogue of literatures and cultures of different peoples of the Soviet Union. This is the most fruitful and busy period of the art of Tuvan literature, not only in terms of enrichment of the genre system, but also in terms of creating a large, national landmark works of literature: novels, plays and poetry the founders of Tuvan literature – Saltchak Toka, Stepan Saryg-ool, Sergei Piurbiu, Viktor Kok-ool, as well as writers of the next generation – Kyzyl-Enik Kudazhy, Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, Salim Siuriun-ool, Vasilii Mongush, Iurii Kiunzhgesh and others. Despite literary work under the influence of Communist ideology, subordinated to the principles of socialist realism, some Tuvan poets (Mongush Dorgu, Alexandr Darzhai, Igor Irgit, Anton Uerzhaa, Nikolai Kuular) were able to abandon the socio-political view of reality and get out of the stereotype.
The article summarizes one of the brightest stages of development of the Tuvan literature and is of practical importance in the study of the works of the Soviet period on contemporary scientific paradigms.