Abstract. The authors consider intonation culture in the aspect of identifying the regulatory principles of communication processes. The study also pays attention on the symbolical content of intonation culture providing coordination for functional model of communication with opening the valuable determinants promoting expression of cultural identification. Moreover the study defines the genesis for implementing the symbolical contents of intonation culture through a prism of developing musical and language consciousness. Therefore music, being the highest form showing intonation culture, actualizes the intoning consciousness which serves as a peculiar bridge between the biological and symbolical information expressed in experiences of the person.
But also the study considers substantial features for functioning intonation culture through appealing the characteristic of its symbolical values and in this way it is necessary to analyze the culturological ideas of L. White on the symbolical content of ways for implementing the regulatory bases in culture. So defining the sense for culture substantial filling, L. White enters the term "simbling" for designating symbolical expression of the phenomena class having extra somatic characteristics. In this way the key ability of a person is to discover the symbolical meanings forming the substantial field of culture. Therefore development of intonation culture is considered within the ability of the symbolization providing a possibility for transferring values according to the linear principle of cultural development. Thus, intonation culture works as the special system of cultural continuity promoting, on the one hand, cumulating valuable experience, and on the other hand, broadening sensual space of valuable experiences.