Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 13, No 1 (2020)

Investigation and level of its independence

Sergei Bochkarev


The article presents the results of the scientific study “The State of the Domestic Justice System: An Inside Look at its Independence and Independence”, conducted by the Laboratory of Political and Legal Studies of the Department of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The state of the problem of independence and independence in the sociological group of investigators is studied.  A statistical criterion was used to identify paired relationships between the answers to the questionnaire, Pearson fitting criterion or the χ2 (X squared) was used to analyze qualitative data.  It is concluded that the existing guarantees of the independence and independence of investigators do not work and, in fact, subordinate relations dominate, which is due to the existing level of intervention of a senior leader in the procedural activities of subordinate employees, which complicates the process of objective consideration (investigation) of cases and the adoption of legal procedural decisions on them.
The leaders of the investigating authorities, unlike the investigators, for the most part understand the problem of independence and independence as a contradiction to external threats, therefore they primarily try to neutralize them, not paying attention to the intrasystem threats, which are the main ones for investigators.