Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 13, No 4 (2020)


Tat'iana Georgievna Butova



The strategic goals of ensuring the sustainable development of territories of all levels through the production of competitive goods and the growth of the export potential of regional manufacturers, as well as ensuring the quality of life of the population, updated the need for effective technologies for branding territories, which requires a theoretical solution to a number of scientific problems in the terminological and instrumental field of knowledge. Meanwhile, the issues of regional branding, as branding of special territories, are paid less attention than national and urban, which led to the absence of generally accepted concepts and the continuation of terminological discussions, as well as the search for a universal model of a regional brand. The studies carried out by the authors in this field made it possible to identify their position on the definition of the concept of “regional brand”, in relation to the need to develop structural models of brands differentiated from regional characteristics, to identify product brands as priority basic components of regional brands, to develop an integrated model of consumer values ​​that form preferences when choosing food products of well-known brands and brands of local manufacturers, as well as allowed us to formulate challenges for future research based on multidisciplinary approaches.