Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 13, No 4 (2020)

The role of the region in the implementation of innovative projects for the production of high-tech civilian products

YUrii Vladimirovich Erygin, Elena Vladimirovna Borisova


The article discusses the problems of involving the innovative potential of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex in the implementation of innovative projects for the production of high-tech civilian products, as well as determining the role and place of regional innovation infrastructure in their implementation.

The aim of the study is to justify the role of the region in the implementation of innovative projects for the production of high-tech civilian products, to determine the peculiarities and formulation of requirements for the development of regional innovation infrastructure, which provides support for these innovative projects on the basis of interaction between the objects of the regional innovation system with enterprises of the defense-industrial complex and infrastructure objects at the national and international levels. As a result of the study, the authors identified the most important areas of interaction of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex with the objects of innovative infrastructure of the region (attraction of financing, promotion of high-tech civilian products to national and international markets, etc.) and formulated requirements for its formation. Results of the study can be used in the management of innovative development of regions