Biology, Vol 6, No 1 (2013)

Formation of callus and induction of somatic embryos in vitro culture in Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica du Tour)

Iraida Nikolaevna Tretyakova, Elena Vladimirovna Voroshilova, Denis Nicolaevich Shuvaev, Anastasya Sergeevna Lukina


In culture in vitro nonembriogenic callus was inducted from immature zygotic embryos of seeds of Siberian pine trees, growing in natural stands of West Sayan and in clonal plantation. The active callus development goes in explants hybrid seeds, getting as results of control pollination of clones by pollen of  Siberian pine trees with annual cycle development of female cones. Cytological study shows that the strong elongation hypocotil cells goes at the stage callus induction. Only explants of embryo seeds some clones, which were pollination of pollen trees-accelerate reached the stage of proliferationon and formed of embrygenic mass. Globules of somatic embryos and embryonal tubes are developed from embryonal initiales.