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Vol 6, No 1 (2013)

Vol 6, No 1 (2013)

Table of Contents

Radial growth of Siberian pine geterografts (PINACEAE) in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe Abstract
Julia Alexandrovna Darikova, Eugene Alexandrovich Vaganov, Galina Vasilevna Kuznetsova, Alexi Mihailovich Grachev 3-17
Variability and taxonomic status of Siberian population of alpine sculpin Cottus poecilopus complex (Scorpaeniformes: Cottidae) Abstract
Bakhtiar Erkinovich Bogdanov, Tatiyana Viktorovna Sverdlova, Igor Borisovich Knizhin 18-31
Biting humans by dogs – general description Abstract
Marat T Makenov 32-43
Formation of callus and induction of somatic embryos in vitro culture in Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica du Tour) Abstract
Iraida Nikolaevna Tretyakova, Elena Vladimirovna Voroshilova, Denis Nicolaevich Shuvaev, Anastasya Sergeevna Lukina 44-60
Present identification methods of bacterioplankton species-specific biogeochemical functions Abstract
Olesya Kolmakova 75-95
Efficiency of trophic transfer of radioactive and stable isotopes of metals to benthivores fishes of the Yenisei River Abstract
Tatiana A Zotina, Elena A Trofimova, Alexander Y Bolsunovsky, Olesya V Anishenko 96-107