Biting humans by dogs – general description
The analysis of appeals for medical help concerned with dog bites made by dwellers of the Omsk City in 2006-2010 has been performed. The materials of the “Omsk Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology” were used. In total, 11 849 cases of human biting by dogs were registered in this period of time.
The mean number of cases is 2901,3 bites per year that is equal to 256,9 cases per 100 000 individuals. In opinion of the dogs’ victims, 99% of bites were made by owned dogs, in 66% humans were bitten by animals familiar to them. The percentage of bites by stray dogs is only 0,36%.
Some seasonal relationship has been found: the maximum amount of appeals for medical help is registered in summer months (May to August inclusive). The minimum amount is observed in the winter period, November to February). Children suffer from dog bites more frequently than adults. The percentages of bites in the head and neck regions are relatively high (19-44 %). Adults are most often bitten in hands or legs (87% of all registered bites). Females are bitten more rare than males ( 217,6 and 304,0 bites per 100 000 individuals, respectively).