Biology, Vol 11, No 1 (2018)

Using of ISSR - Markers to assess genetic State of Scorzonera glabra (Asteraceae) from Environs of Karabash Cooper Smelter

Natalia Kutlunina, Diana Junusova, Elena Zhuykova


Using ISSR - marking we studied two populations of the Ural endemic and the Pleistocene relict Scorzonera glabra (Asteraceae) on the Karabash Copper Smelter Plant and from Mount Egosa (as control)). Polymorphism indicators were high in both populations. AMOVA showed that a large proportion of the variability (85%) belong to intrapopulation variability.

Thus, we have not detected changes in the genetic structure of the parameters and the presence of significant distances between impact zones and background population. Apparently, S. glabra, is plastic plant species having a pre-adaptations. It can growth in various lighting conditions and composition of rocks. As heavy metall excluders it  responds to stress by the morpho-physiological changes, while genetic and reproductive parameters remain relatively unchanged.