Biology, Vol 13, No 3 (2020)

Blebbing of a plasmatic membrane of lymphocytes as diagnostically significant marker of a critical ischemia of the lower extremities

Yuriy S. Vinnik, Svetlana S. Dunaevskaya, Dar'ya A. Antyufrieva


The increasing interest in studying of the obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of the lower extremities (OAVLE) is bound to increase in incidence and need of multidisciplinary approach to diagnostics and treatment of this disease. At patients with OAVLE investigated a lipid profile, a condition of a coagulative link of a hemostasis, level of the common homocysteine, a condition of a gleam of arteries and a blebbing of a plasmatic membrane of lymphocytes having divided them into two groups in: 1 group (30 patients) with an ischemia II B degrees on Pokrovsky-Fontaine's classification and the 2nd group (30 patients) with a critical ischemia of the lower extremities. Revealed a high direct correlation between a cooperative blebbing of lymphocytes and development of a critical ischemia (rS=0,85, p