Relation of integral biochemical index and organochlorine xenobiotics content in the liver of the black scorpion fish Scorpaena porcus LINNAEUS, 1758 from Sevastopol bays and coastal areas
Ludmila Vasilevna Malakhova, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Skuratovskaya, Tatiana Vladimirovna Malakhova, Lobko Veronuka Viktorovna
To assessment the condition of the Black Sea scorpion fish Scorpaena porcus LINNAEUS, 1758 from Sevastopol bays and coastal areas the concentrations of integrated biomarker response (IBR) and organochlorine compounds (OCs) in fish liver were compared. Through significant anthropogenic impact were found high levels of PCBs and DDTs concentrations in fish liver and bottom sedimentsin Alexandrovskaya and Streletskaya bays. IBR was calculated on the basis of a biochemical markers complex: cholinesterase and catalase activities, albumin content, the level of oxidizedproteins and lipid peroxidation. IBR was well correlated with the OCs concentration in sediments and liver of scorpion fish. The maximum IBR was determined in the most polluted bays, with many times exceeding the indices in open coastal areas. According to IBR fishes from Laspi, Kazach'ia bays and from the coastal area of Lyubimovka were in a better condition compared with other one from Alexandrovskaya, Streletskaya and Balaklavskaya Bays in summer season 2016-2018.