Acidity Study of Donor-Acceptor Complexes of Polybasic Acid with Polyols in Oil‑Displacing Compositions
Vladimir Alexandrovich Kuvshinov, Lyubov Konstantinovna Altunina, Lyubov Anatolyevna Stasieva, Ivan Vladimirovich Kuvshinov
The results of theoretical and experimental studies on the acidity of donor-acceptor complexes of boric acid with polyols – glycerin and sorbitol – in oil-displacing compositions are presented. A model of donor-acceptor acid-base equilibria in coordinating polyol solvents has been created, due to which the constants of poly-selectoric acids formation and ionization were determined by pH-meter and electrical conductivity methods. The obtained constant values were used to calculate the compositions buffer capacity. Due to the using a mixture of poly-selectoric acids in the compositions at various ratios it was possible to regulate the range of the buffer action.