Fluorescent methods of assessment of winter dormancy conifers from city ecosystems with different levels of air pollution
Nina Pakharkova, Olga Kalyakina, Alexander Shubin, Yurii Grigoriev
The plants growing in regions with a high level of air pollution are unprepared for severe winter conditions and may be damaged. So it is necessary to study in detail the seasonal plants dynamics, including their transition to winter dormancy, using adequate methods for monitoring their physiological condition. Measurement of temperature-induced changes in zero level of chlorophyll fluorescence (TCZLF) in pine needles is one of such approaches. The analysis of pollutant concentration on surface and in cells of needles aiming to determine the level of pollution was carried out by methods of ion-chromatography and XRF. We studied 30- to 40-year-old trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) growing in industrial areal of Krasnoyarsk and its outskirts. The results obtained allow us to assume that the smaller level of winter dormancy is the reaction of coniferous plants to increase of industrial pollution.