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Vol 2, No 4 (2009)

Vol 2, No 4 (2009)

Table of Contents

Application of Scanning Electron Microscopy in Material Science Abstract
Galina Зеер, Oksana Fomenko, Olga Ledyaeva 287-293
Methods of modern transmission electron microscopy in material study Abstract
Sergey Zharkov 294-306
Research and development of technological conditions of quartz crucibles manufacturing for silicon melting Abstract
Alexander F Shimansky, Oleg I Podkopaev, Mariya N Vasilyeva, Natalya S Simonova, Kseniya N Fomina, Galina M Zeer 307-314
The influence of thermodynamical conditions on the photophysical properties of cyanoantracene Abstract
Vladimir Pomogaev, Pavel Avramov, Sergei Kachin 315-326
Statistical method to describe molecular spectra Abstract
Vladimir Pomogaev, Pavel Avramov, Sergei Kachin 327-334
Fluorescent methods of assessment of winter dormancy conifers from city ecosystems with different levels of air pollution Abstract
Nina Pakharkova, Olga Kalyakina, Alexander Shubin, Yurii Grigoriev 359-367
The study of anionic composition of the environment of the Krasnoyarsk's industrial zone by ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis Abstract
Lydia G Bondareva, Olga Kalyakina, Galina Burmakina, Viktoria Sursiakova, Sergei Kalyakin, Anatoly Rabailo 368-377
Using of biomarkers in diagnostics of connective tissue dysplasia Abstract
Sergey Kachin, Lidiya Evert, Svetlana Borozdun, Elena Bobrova, Elena Panicheva, Vasilyi Kuznezhov 385-390