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Vol 7, No 3 (2014)

Vol 7, No 3 (2014)

Table of Contents

Formation nanocrystalline phases of palladium and platinum on a carbon support in autoclave conditions. Abstract
Roman Vladimirovich Borisov, Oleg Vladislavovich Belousov 331-339
Ni-doping effect of Al (111) surface to use it as hydrogen storage material. Abstract
Artem Valentinovich Kuklin, Alexander Alexandrovich Kuzubov, Natalya Sergeevna Eliseeva, Pavel Olegovich Krasnov, Evgenia Andreevna Kovaleva 351-360
Glass formation in the Bi2O3 - B2O3. Thermal stability and glass structure Abstract
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Babitskiy, Тимофей Владимирович Бермешев, Aleksandr Anatolevich Shubin, Andrei Vladimirovich Sidorak 371-382
Crystallochemical features of phase formation in 1,2-diammoniumcclohexane - H2[PtCl6] system. Abstract
Daria Y. Leshok, Ruslan F. Mulagaleev, Aleksandr K. Starkov, Aleksandr N. Matsulev, Sergei Д. Kirik 383-402
The mathematical description for the electropolymerization of electrochemically modified monomers in galvanostatic mode Abstract
Volodymyr Valentynovych Tkach 403-411
Electrochemical Properties of Bismuth Oxide Films on Titanium Formed by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Abstract
Antonina Sergeevna Lapina, Galina Il'inicha Marinina, Marina Sergeevna Vasilyeva, Nikolai Borisovich Kondrikov, Elena Vladimirovna Shchitovskaya, Alexander Nikolaevich Fedorets, Vladimir Vladimirovich Korochentsev, Ivan Sergeevich Os'mushko 412-423
Kinetics of Direct Synthesis of Ethylene to Propylene on PdO-Re2O7/B2O3-Al2O3 in Liquid Phase Abstract
Evgeniy Buluchevskiy, Alexandr Lavrenov 424-430