Engineering & Technologies, Vol 8, No 4 (2015)

About a new way of preparation of the collective concentrates for selection

Natalia К Algebraistova, Ivan V Prokopiev, Yury L Gurevich, Margarite I Teremova


Object of research –  lead-zink sulphidic ore of one of the Krasnoyarsk Territory’s entrails. The possibility of application of the collective and selective scheme of flotation is analyzed. It is proposed to intensify flotation of sulphides with application of apolar collectors. It is defined that the additive of engine oil in process of flotation allows to reduce losses of metals with tails by 1,5-2%. It is offered to process a collective concentrate before a cycle of selection bacterial culture for the purpose to clean the surface of sulphides from the collector film. The selection of strains of microorganisms on ability to growth on diesel fuel is made. Prospects of using microbiological receptions in practice of enrichment of polymetallic ores are shown