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Vol 8, No 4 (2015)

Vol 8, No 4 (2015)

Table of Contents

Improving the method of blasting parameters calculation in construction of horizontal and inclined excavation, for example mines of the polar division “Norilsk Nickel” Abstract
Alexander А Kirsanov, Sergey А Vokhmin, George S Kurchin 396-405
Behavior of components of waste solutions of precious metals refinery in autoclave conditions Abstract
Nataliya V Belousova, Philipp A Kylasov, Nataliya V Grizan, Dmitriy A Solokhov 514-518
About a new way of preparation of the collective concentrates for selection Abstract
Natalia К Algebraistova, Ivan V Prokopiev, Yury L Gurevich, Margarite I Teremova 406-413
Effective methods of grain fine structure of Aluminum alloys Abstract
Irina G Brodova 519-530
Modification, homogenization, intensification of heat transfer as the main levers controlling the properties of cast semi finished products Abstract
Andrey A Guschinskiy, Evgeniy A Pavlov, Edward V Maltsev, Alexandr P Skuratov, Sergey V Belyaev 531-538
Modern approaches to technical operation of equipment and the equipment in the conditions of low temperatures Abstract
Sergey V Korneev, Ruslan V Buravkin, Aleksandr A Anoprienko, Aleksey A Ivannikov 414-418
Positive role of magnetic separation within processing of sideritized bauxites of Kazakhstan Abstract
Viktor M Sizyakov, Оleg A Dubovikov, Denis A Loginov 419-429
Method of hydrochemical benefication of bauxite Abstract
Almaz T Ibragimov, Sergey V Budon, Alexandr P Markov, Mikhail V Fatyushin, Maxim N Pechenkin, Vitaliy V Kaulin 430-435
New data on the phase formation in the system NaF-KF-AlF3 Abstract
Yulia N Zaitseva, Daria Yu Leshok, Alexandr S Samoilo, Igor S Yakimov, Sergei D Kirik 436-446
Current distribution control method in anode and cathode joints of aluminum electrolytic cells Abstract
Victor P Ten, Aleksandr I Gromyko, Igor E Nefedov 447-456
Investigation of pyrometallurgical silicon slags Abstract
Nina V Nemchinova, Andrei A Tiutrin, Tatyana A Buzikova 457-467
Production of the calcium fluoride from solid and liquid wastes of aluminum production process Abstract
Anatoly N Baranov, Lyudmila V Gavrilenko, Anton V Morenko, Aleksandr A Gavrilenko, Ekaterina V Timkina, Pavel A Yakushevich 468-474
Improving the management of ecological safety on the basis of studies of atmospheric deposition in the effect area of aluminum production Abstract
Natalya I Ianchenko, Anatoli N Baranow 475-481
Reaction – ion – exchange techniques recovery of valuable components from mineral and technogenic raw materials and production of the dispersed substances Abstract
Svetlana S Saikova, Gennady L Pashkov, Marina V Panteleeva 482-493
Adsorption properties of thiol-functionalized mesoporous silica Abstract
Svetlana A Kozlova, Vladimir A Parfenov, Sergei D Kirik 494-506
Interaction of rhodium with chloro-complexes of palladium at elevated temperatures Abstract
Oleg V Belousov, Nataliya V Belousova 507-513