Engineering & Technologies, Vol 11, No 3 (2018)

The methodical approach to an estimation of efficiency of camouflage means

Juriy L. Koziratzky, Andrey N. Shmarov, Anton A. Koziratzky, Alexey V. Ivantsov


The methodical approach to an estimation of efficiency of the masking means is developed, allowing strictly enough to consider distributions of intensity of radiation on surfaces of object and a spreading surface. By an investment peak distribution of radiation of object on an external surface of masking means in total distribution of a total area, is received compound distribution in a subject plane with the further carrying over of the image to a focal plane of system of investigation. It is shown, that at equal values of noise in images of the disguised object and a spreading surface distinction in signal levels in 5-10 % does not render essential influence on likelihood indicators of distinction.