This article considers mathematical dependences of properties of a casting mold on various parameters of her shaping. The competitiveness in production of castings depends on durability, reliability of the made details, ability to meet requirements and expectations of the consumer of production. Technological process of receiving castings most widespread now in the sandy-argillaceous forms (SAF) not completely meets the modern requirements as it is characterized by different types of marriage: gas porosity, scorch, shrinkable sinks, blockages, hot and cold cracks, and others. The bigger quality of castings gives casting in the sand-pitch forms (SPF) in which the high gas permeability and durability are combined, they don't resist shrinkage, don't absorb moisture the stiffening alloy and aren't inclined to an fallibility. However, one of shortcomings of this way of casting is rather high cost binding. One of the directions of decrease in an expense binding is use along with heating of mix for shaping of a cover and static loading. Other direction of decrease in a consumption of mix in general, and binding in particular, is determination of dependence of properties of a shell form on technological parameters that will promote management of properties of a form, decrease in marriage, etc. Formulas of the intense deformed state, density, amounts of heat of the sand-pitch form made at the same time in the conditions of heating and static loading are presented.