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Vol 9, No 5 (2016)

Vol 9, No 5 (2016)

Table of Contents

Development and experimental research of materials for forming stable bottom and side ledges Abstract
Gennadiy V Arkhipov, Peter V Polyakov, Evgeniy R Shaydulin, Yuriy O Avdeev 617-631
Computer simulation and automated calculation of parameters for process and receipt of deformed semi-finished products of new precious metals alloys for jewelry chains production Abstract
Iuliia D Ditkovskaia, Sergey B Sidelnikov, Nikolay N Dovjhenko, Olga S Lebedeva, Kristina A Bindareva 632-642
Full analysis of Sierra Leone bauxite and possibilities of bauxite residue filtration Abstract
Gheorghe Dobra, Anatoly Kiselev, Laurentiu Filipescu, Vicol Alistarh, Nicolae Anghelovici, Sorin Iliev 643-656
The results of theoretical and practical studies of flotation of nanoscale silicon structures Abstract
Victor V Kondratyev, Antonina I Karlina, Alexander A Nemarov, Nikita N Ivanov 657-670
Improvement of the properties of gray cast iron by silicon dioxide and carbon nanostructures Abstract
Victor V Kondratyev, Nikolay A Ivanov, Andrey E Balanovskiy, Nikolay N Ivanchik, Antonina I Karlina 671-685
Import-substituting release coatings for molds of low-pressure casting Abstract
Aleksandr A Kosovich, Tatiana R Gilmanshina, Tatiana A Bogdanova, Aleksandr V Cheglakov, Pavel Yu Barbitsky, Svetlana I Lytkina, Evgeny G Partyko 686-692
Lazar continuous carbon baking – the Future is now Abstract
Nicholas Walla, Steven J Dubec, Rick Lazarou 693-702
Development of the optimal wastewater treatment technologies refining of precious metals Abstract
Liudmila V Biketova, Iurii N Lisakov, Sergei D Ershov 703-713
Study of alternative methods for preparing the pitch binder for the anode paste Abstract
Elena N Marakushina, Vladimir K Frizorger, Denis G Lazarev, Mikhail I Krak, Petr N Kuznetsov, Fedor A Buryukin 714-723
Possible methods recovery of metals from flotation tailings copper-molybdenum ores Abstract
Natalia K Algebraistova, Anna S Markova, Ivan V Prokopiev, Denis M Kolotushkin 724-730
Bench Mark Prebaked Anode Production with Russian Raw Materials Abstract
Markus Meier, Raymond Perruchoud, Julien Wyss 731-743
Development and research of the innovative production technology of multifunctional invar alloys new generation Abstract
Mikhail V Chukin, Eduard M Golubchik, Natalia V Koptseva, Yulia Yu Efimova, Dmitry M Chukin, Ekaterina M Medvedeva 744-749
Investigation of influence of compensator element on the structure and properties of the alloy AK12 Abstract
Tatiana A Bogdanova, Nikolay N Dovzhenko, Galina A Merkulova, Tatiana R Gilmanshina, Maria V Vaag, Natalia V Grudinina, Farid R Latypov 750-757
The intensification of the process of opening thrust middlings refining industry (Part-4. Optimization of the interaction of persistent industrial products refinery production of barium per-oxide after their joint mechanical activation) Abstract
Evgeniy A Pavlov, Edward V Maltsev, Andrey A Guschinskiy, Aleksandr P Skuratov, Sergey V Belyaev 758-769
Experience of application semicokes lignite as barrier materials in the production of primary aluminium cells Abstract
Alexander V Proshkin, Vitaliy V Pingin, Ivan A Yarosh 770-781