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Vol 7, No 7 (2014)

Vol 7, No 7 (2014)

Table of Contents

Product Lifecycle Support for radioelectronic production at JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» Abstract
Rinat Gayseevich Galeev, Valery Grigoryevich Konnov, Michail Alexandrovich Kazantsev, Sergey Vasilyevich Chentsov 758-767
Power Quality Improvement in Off-Ggrid Renewable Energy Systems Abstract
Valery Petrovich Dovgun, Elena Sergeevna Shevchenko, Sergey Andreevich Temerbaev 821-831
Regional Scientific and Technical Organization’s Role in the Telecommunication Complex Development of Krasnoyarsk Region Abstract
Alexey Turov 857-861
Methods of design of electronic document management system for unaccounted designer documentation at radioelectronic enterprise Abstract
Denis Kapulin, Michail Kazantsev, Andrew Shvatsky
Elena Noskova, Elena Esyukova
Telemetry, Command and Ranging System of Geo Spacecraft Abstract
Vitaly Shatrov
Antenna Arrays on Surfaces of Revolution Abstract
Alexey Erokhin
The imitation model of the autonomous system of power supply Abstract
Sergei Sergeevich Post
Structural Topological Analysis of Cardiac Conduction System Abstract
Gennady Aldonin