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Bragina, Vera Ivanovna, SFU
Brarin, Victor, Siberian federal university, Institute of Non - Ferrous Metals and Materials Science, Department of mineral processing
Brezhnev, Ruslan Vladimirovich, The Institute of Space and Information Technology of Siberian Federal University
Brodova, Irina G, Institute of metal physic Ural Branch of RAS
Brungardt, Maksim Valerevich, Siberian Federal University
Brusnitsyn, S. V., Ural federal university
Bryuhoveckaya, Elena Viktorovna, SFU
Bryukhovetskaya, Elena Viktorovna, SFU
Buchnev, Aleksei Aleksandrovich, ICM&MG SB RAS
Buchnev, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB of RAS
Buchnev, Aleksey A., Institute of Computational Mathematics
Buchnev, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB of RAS
Buchnev, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, ICM&MG SB RAS
Budon, Sergey V, «Aluminium of Kazakhstan» JSC
Bugaenko, Maksim, Siberian Federal University
Bugaenko, Maksim, aSiberian Federal University
Bugnion, Louis, Kan-nak S.A.
Buhtoyarov, Oleg Urevich, Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin»
Buinosov, Alexander Petrovich, USURT
Buinosov, Alexander P, USURT
Bulbik, Yanis I., Siberian Federal University
Bulgakov, Nikolai Fedorovach, Siberian Federal University
Bulgakov, Nikolay Fadorovich, professor
Bulgin, Dmitry V., Military educational scientific center air force "air force Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin" (Voronezh)
Bunin, Alexander Vyacheslavovich, Moscow state technical University of civil aviation

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