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Browse Author Index

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Laptev, Anatoly Borisovich, all-Russian research Institute of aviation materials
Larionova, Natalia Vyacheslavovna, Siberian Federal University
Larionova, Natalja V., siberian federal university
Larko, Aleksandr, IBP SB RAS
Latkin, Pavel Sergeevich, graduate student
Latushkin, Ilya A., JSC «Arconic Samara Metallurgical Plant»
Latypov, Farid R, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Lazarev, Denis G, «RUSAL ETC», LLC
Lazarou, Rick, Lazar Anode Technologies, AG
LAZUKIN, VICTOR VLADIMIROVICH, Air Force Military educational scientific center "Military and air academy of a name of professor N.E.Zhukovskogo and Yu.A.Gagarin"
Lebedeva, Olga S, Siberian Federal University
Legalov, Alexander, Siberian Federal University
Legalov, Alexander, SFU
Legalov, Alexander I., Siberian Federal University
Lemberg, Konstantin Vyacheslavovich, Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics, Siberian Federal University
Lemberg, Konstantin V, Siberian Federal University
Lentsman, Michail Michailovich, АО «"Iskra-Avigaz"»
Leonov, Sergey Olegovich, SFU, mineral exploration technology department
Leontiev, Evgeny G., RUS-Engineering Inc.
Lepeshev, Anatoly Alexandrovich, Siberian Federal University.
Leshok, Daria Yu, Siberian Federal University
Lesiv, Elena M, Siberian Federal University
Leskiv, Maxim, LJC "Pole"
Leskov, Mihail B., SFU
Lesnykh, Andrei Viktorovich, Far Eastern Federal University

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