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Pisman, Tamara, Institute of Biophysics Siberian Branch of RAS
Pjatkin, Valeriy Pavlovich, ICM&MG SB RAS
Plastinina, Ekaterina, Military academy of aerospace defence named after the Marshal of Soviet Union G.K.Zhukov
Platonova, Snezhana Vitalievna, Siberian State Industrial University
Pleshkov, M. A., SRC Hydrometallurgy LLC
Plotnikov, Vadim N, «Industrial Automatics Systems» LLC
Podkopaev, Oleg Ivanovich, OJSC “Germanium”
Podkopaev, Oleg, OJC "Germanium"
Podorozhnyak, Sergey Аlexandrovich, SFU
Pogodaev, Alexander, SFU
Pokhabov, Yury P., JSC "NPO PM SDB"
Poletskov, Pavel Petrovich, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Poley, Anton Konstantinovich, FEFU (Far East Federal University)
Poloshkov, Nikolay Evgenievich, Siberian Federal University
Poloshkov, Nikolay Evgenievich, Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University
Polovnikov, Vyacheslav, TPU
Polovnikov, Vyacheslav, Tomsk Polytechnic University
Poluboyarov, V. A., Novosibirsk State Technical University
Poluboyarov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry
Poluboyarov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry
Polunian, Pavel Vadimovich, Siberian Federal University
Polyak, Mikhail Gennadievish, JSC Reshetnev "ISS"
Polyakov, Peter, SFU
Polyakov, Peter V, Siberian Federal University
Polyakov, Petr Vasilievich, Siberian federal university

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