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Sizyakov, Viktor M, National mineral resources university of mines
Skolubovich, Alexey Y, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)
Skolubovich, Yuri L, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)
Skorentsev, Alexandr L., Institute of strength physics and materials science of SB RAS
Skornyakova, Ekaterina Sergeevna, Siberian Federal University
Skrynnikov, Andrey, State Research Institute of Aviation Systems
Skuratov, Aleksandr P, SibFU
Skuratov, Aleksandr P, Siberian Federal University
Skuratov, Aleksandr Petrovich, SibFU
Skuratov, Alexander, Siberian federal university
Skuratov, Alexander Petrovich, PI SFU
Skuratov, Alexander P., Siberian Federal University
Skuratov, Alexandr P, Siberian Federal University
Skuratov, Аleksandr P, Siberian Federal University
Skuratova, Svetlana, Siberian federal university
Slabko, Vitali, Siberian Federal University
Sladkikh, Lubov A., Siberian Center FGBU "SRC "Planeta"
Sladkikh, Lyubov A., Siberian Center FGBU "SRC "Planeta"
Sleptsova, Sardana Afanaseevna, North -Eastern Federal University
Smirnov, Alexandr, Siberian federal university
Smirnov, Andrey V., Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (SB RAS)
Smirnov, Dmitry, Main personnel Department of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation
Smoglyuk, Sergey Yurievich, Сибирский федеральный университет
Smolev, Ivan, Department of Military Education High Command Aero-Space Forces
Smolin, Andrey Aleksandrovich, Omsk Branch of Khrulev Militari Academy of Logistics and Transport

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