Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 7, No 5 (2014)

To semantike of psychotype "Turgenev's girl"

Vladimir Vasiljev


In the first half of the 19th century on the back of Christian beliefs crisis intensive formation of revolutionary intelligentsia began in Russia. Ivan Turgenev, one of the most penetrating writers-psychoanalysts, was the first who showed the essence of “new people” and predicted their historical mission – revolutionary rebuilding of the country. The writer showed them in types of “turgenev’s girl” and “turgenev’s character”. In the strict sense of the term, “turgenev’s girl” is a flapper, who rejects the traditional idea about the role of a woman in society. (The beginning of this kind of understanding was shown in the novel “Conversation”, 1844-1854 years).  She is looking for a hero, headman who will show her the highest truth of existence and she is ready to sacrifice her life. She considers the ideas of social revolution to be this kind of highest truth. In the works of fiction “Rudin” (1855) and “Virgin soil” (1876) Turgenev showed that the way which characters had picked will lead them and Russia to a “complicated suicide”. The types of characters, which were discovered by Turgenev, he was analyzing as evocation of abnormal psychology. The classic couple of characters, which were anticipated by Turgenev – Nadegda Krupskaya and Ulyanov-Lenin. Meanwhile both in school curricula and in academical Russian literary studies the type of “turgenev’s girl” is very vague, is not defined and still is presented as romantic.

The meaning of this work is to show the character of “turgenev’s girl” out of this kind of mythology. The results of this work – the scientific description of denoted psychological types – can be used while history of Russian and world literature, psychoanalysis, philosophy and culturology teaching.