Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 10, No 2 (2017)

Individually-differentiated approach to the organization of the educational process for disabled people

Tatiana Victorovna Lavrienko


In this article the analysis of the educational process is conducted for the disabled people that follow the program called “The profession and health” at the Siberian Federal University.

In order to find the solution the analysis has been made of: the pedagogical experiment, the observations, the testing, the conversation, the dialogical communication between a student and teacher, the self-assessment and monitoring of pupils (students), the learning and summary of the teaching experience.

The complex of methods and forms has been developed from the results. That complex provides the realization of the individual and differential approach in the educational process, namely: the dialogical methods, the individual consultations, the permanent and total test control and the self-diagnostic methods.

 It has been revealed that the defining condition of the efficient learning process are: the knowledge of psychological and pedagogical features of the cognitive activity of students, the presence of emotional and positive attitudes in the interaction between the teacher and the student, the use of the special complex of the forms and methods of education, which reflects the characteristic of persons with disabilities.