Intellectual Type of Creativity (in Poetry)
By the example of poetry, this article explores intellectual modus of creativity as expression of tendency of artistic thinking in XXth century. Intellectualization is interpreted as «directed thinking» (C. G. Jung), i.e. rationality that dominates in creation. Article outlines defining setups of intellectual type of creativity: self-consciousness of art, reflexion of gnosis, priority of aesthetics over ethics, alienated lyricism. Diversity of forms is illustrated by examples of poetry by elder symbolist V. Brusov, futurist V. Khlebnikov, member of Oberiu N. Zabolozky, neofuturist N. Glazkov, naturalistic philosopher A. Tarkovsky and minimalistic conceptualist Vs. Nekrasov. Intellectual type of creativity – also it visibly freezes spiritual processes – shows specific passion for possessing the absolute truth. This truth can be shown as universal idea (for instance, common unity, Panlogism, Hylozoism) or as way of thinking (in examined cases – as aestheticism, «nebywalism», conceptualism), which is maximally approached to the undogmatic, heuristic understanding of essence of nature of things and relations.