Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 13, No 10 (2020)

Strategic Regulatory Instruments in Environmental Law of Russia

Irina Olegovna Krasnova, Valerii Nikolaevich Vlasenko


Environmental law of Russia faces emergence of new types of legal acts. Despite the vague legal nature of strategic documents, they are gaining an ever growing role in regulating environmental relationship though the regulation by strategic documents has acquired a character of an uncontrolled and unpredictable process. This article reviews strategic and political documents addressing environment protection, environmental security and nature uses. It pointes the necessity to find their place within the system of environmentally related legal acts with an aim to set a clear hierarchy in the system, to raise the efficiency of laws and to create a working implementation mechanism. Two alternatives are suggested – to adopt a separate legislative act on the national ecological policy or to include a separate chapter into the Federal Act “On Environmental Protection”, or alternatively, to carry out codification of the adopted strategic instruments.