Integrated technology of sports selection and orientation of University students in educational physical education specializations, taking into account individual characteristics
Предмет исследования. В статье анализируется студенческий спорт, который, с одной стороны, является резервом спорта высших достижений, с другой - мощным фактором здоровья, сохранения и социализации будущих специалистов и активных членов общества. В статье рассматривается спортивный отбор и ориентация в контексте спортивизации направленности физического воспитания в вузах с учетом сбережения здоровья студентов, построение здорового образовательного пространства, обеспечивающего развитие здоровьообразующих ценностей и смыслов. студентами, позволяя им улучшить свое здоровье и физическое состояние.
The aim of the study is to develop, apply and evaluate the effectiveness of the integrated technology of sports selection and orientation of university students to educational physical culture specializations, taking into account individual characteristics.
Methodology, methods and research material. The general scientific research methodology is presented by a systematic approach to determining the individual characteristics of a person in the unity and interrelation of biological, social and psychological components, their influence on the choice and success in certain activities, the impact on health. Methods of scientific analysis, observation, experiment, empirical, methods of psychological diagnostics, psychophysiological methods, statistical and mathematical methods were used. The study was conducted from January 2016 to September 2020. The study involved 327 people: athletes from the DYUSSHOR of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, adult athletes and students of 1-3 courses of various institutes of the Siberian Federal University from educational specializations: basketball, aerobics, rock climbing.
Scope of the results. The proposed methods of selection and orientation in educational specializations in physical culture can be used in universities, taking into account the consideration of the experience of student sports, as a reserve of high-performance sports and mass student sports. The proposed methods of orientation of students to educational specializations in physical culture, taking into account their individual characteristics, can be used in the system of higher physical education and in physical education classes in universities.
Research results and their discussion. When assessing the conformity of the athlete's data to the chosen sport (IVS), which is a mathematical algorithm for assessing the conformity of the presence of professionally significant qualities to those required in the chosen sport, data on the conformity of athletes in the range of 70 - 93% were obtained. The obtained data confirm the previously obtained data on the prevailing tendencies in the severity of the typological characteristics of the nervous system properties in representatives of different sports (Ilyin PS), as well as the correspondence of the typological complex of the nervous system of the examined and morphological and functional characteristics of athletes required in elite sports. As a result of the study, the correspondence of these students to the selected specializations was established from 48% (rock climbing, girls 1 course) to 87% (girls, basketball). The most significant for the studied group of students can be identified motives: health saving, social sphere and physical improvement.
Conclusions. The use of modern methods of orientation and selection in the context of the sportization of physical education will contribute to solving the problems facing the teachers of the Department of Physical Culture in helping the student choose the type of physical activity (student orientation towards mass student sports, health related physical culture), as well as a certain type sports.