Table of Contents
Practice-oriented Approach to Training Tutors at the Siberian Federal University | Abstract |
Vera Korshunova | 164-174 |
Professional Development of Digital Competences: Standardised Frameworks Supporting Evolving Digital Badging Practices | Abstract |
Jaana Kullaslahti, Sanna Ruhalahti, Sanna Brauer | 175-186 |
Peculiarities of life-meaning orientations of mature people | Abstract |
Tatiana Nikolaevna Sakharova | 217-230 |
Promotion of Trilingual Education in Schools of the Kazakhstan: Online Monitoring Results | Abstract |
Zhanbol Zhilbayev, Lyailya Syrymbetova, Manargul Mukasheva, Bakhytgul Zhetpisbayeva, Gulnara Smagulova | 285-301 |
Svetlana Yanchapovna Oorzhak, Herel-ool Dazhi-Namchal Oorzhak | 302-309 |